Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Double Whammy! Diagnosed with an Autoimmune disease after Endometriosis

I have dealt with fatigue, I am used to it. But when I started having other issues, like no appetite for days, I decided to see my doctor. She asked if I was having trouble breathing, because my oxygen levels were so low. I said no I was just really tired. Again I am used to it. Pain and fatigue, it is my normal. She recommended a blood test, and it came back that my thyroid levels were super low. And my B-12 and Vitamin D levels were so low is was nearly non existent. B-12 gives me energy, Vitamin D helps my body absorb calcium. 
  1. a large ductless gland in the neck that secretes hormones regulating growth and development through the rate of metabolism. The thyroid 
    stores and produces hormones that affect the function of virtually every organ in our bodies. Basically it ells my heart when and how to beat, my lungs how fast to breath, my brain how to think, my stomach how to digest, and so on and so forth.

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease an Autoimmune disorder. This is not a thyroid issue. This is my immune system attacking my thyroid. My body was literally attacking itself. 
Hashimoto's Disease
Requires a medical diagnosis
Symptoms include fatigue and unexplained weight gain.
People may experience:
Skin: dryness or roughness
Hair: hair loss or dryness
Also common: constipation, depression, enlarged thyroid, fatigue, joint stiffness, muscle weakness, puffy eyes, sensitivity to cold, slow heart rate, swelling in extremities, or weight gain.

I myself was having heart palpitations, sweating in the middle of the night with the A/C and fan on, fatigue ( I was napping multiple times through out the day) and weight gain. EW! Doctor tells me I have to be careful when I get sick or get infections. My immune system is not the strongest. This explains how a small cold can go from 0 to 100 for me and how when I got sick and diagnosed with Endometriosis, I got so sick so fast I nearly lost my life. The positive is I can continue to say, ok I have answers. Just got to keep moving forward. Keep pushing. So what if I have to work harder than most people. At least I am here. 

I learned I will have to be on medication the rest of my life. And that some women who have Endometriosis also have Hashimoto's Disease. There are studies that describe them as being nearly the same. I guess I am just lucky like that. I know that I will be taking 4 to 5 medications every single day now. And that on my bad weeks I will require a B-12 injection at the Doctors office just to help me make it through the week. But like any Endo warrior, I know how to fight. I know how to go further, even when it feels like I can't. I am a survivor and I have a great support system. My husband was already on the phone line once I told him, "We will do what we have to, to get you feeling better." he said. I love him. 

I have Endometriosis a chronic illness, I also now, am diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease, an Autoimmune disease. I hit the double Whammy! And I ain't done fighting yet. I still got a lot of fight left in me.

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