Wednesday, April 4, 2018

TO: Bone of my bones & flesh of my flesh FROM: Your Rib

Dear Bone of my bones & flesh of my flesh,

The day I married him. My world changed, suddenly up didn't just mean up, falling just didn't mean falling. My heart felt protected. My mind was clearer. Every step I took, I took with bigger purpose. And you held my hand. You held my hand through the easy, and lifted me up during the bad. I don't know how you do it. I know you get tired, I see it in your eyes. But you're there every time I slip or stumble. And I call that love. I can always count on you. I can't say that about many people in my life but you I can say for sure. You will be there.
Then it happened....
Plans changed. It was no longer babies, and a house.. It was my health, my body deteriorating, you nearly losing me. The sights weren't new places we saw for the first time together, or pictures taken smiling and full of what was to come next. It was views from hospital beds and anxiety from pain and the urge to hurry up and get to the good part of life just in case I don't make it that long with you. 
What a thought, what a terrible, tragic, thought. Stress levels eating me up. I worry I stress you out too. I know I do. But you are always there. Waiting and holding me up. Just so you can get back to loving me again. I don't know how you do it. I don't understand your version of love because it is endless, like a book with no ending or a song that never ends. There is you and your hope and your faith and your strength. I don't know how you do it. But you do it every day. And you tell me you love me all the time. 
I don't have advice for you, on how to love yourself more then me. I hardly love me sometimes. Plus the way you love me is unfathomable, I couldn't even begin. But my advice is for the women who suffer like me. You will not ever be alone. You just haven't found your someone. I found mine young. I think God knew I needed him. I don't think I'd have the will if I didn't have him. 
My baby you support me in everything I do. You protect me and guide me. You are my light and you recharge me when I need it. The thought of not being your wife I can not ever understand. I don't know how I got so lucky. And I don't know how you do it. You make it look easy. And you ask for nothing in return, but my love. You are brilliant and amazing. The best thing in my life. The every fiber of my being. I have become a part of you, because of the way you loved me. I need you to survive. I have you and I am lucky. I am blessed. I came from the strongest of ribs. How lucky am I?
I want you to know I am grateful. Although sometimes I may not show it. You are everything and all that is good in my life. You are the air that I breath, you sustain me mind, body and soul. When God knew I had to fight a disease, he sent me a warrior to remind me how strong I am and where I came from. I love you so much. My man is my world. Today I am grateful...


Your Rib

If you have a partner who supports you don't forget to remind them how much they mean to you.

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