Pussy Politics
POLITICS SHOULD NOT INVOLVE MY UTERUS! There are actual laws that govern what a woman can or can't do with her baby maker! What about my blooming uterus is so damn scary that politicians feel obligated to not only write policies, but make a woman's reproductive rights, or lack there of, their campaign slogans. I truly believe a woman's body is her own.

Even when we aren't talking about Pro Choice or Birth Control pills. The government still has its big foot crushing a woman's wallet from the get go. Something flying below the radar is the "Pink Tax" Half the population is subject to paying the Pink Tax are you? Well, are you female? If you answered yes then sorry but your'e being taxed like a M***er F***er! Things like clothes, tampons, razors, other personal care items, dry cleaning, and even vehicle repair can fall under pink tax. Having a uterus also means you pay an average of 13% more on term life insurance, 48% more on hair products, 57% more on haircuts, and 92% more on dry cleaned clothes! We already get paid less, Now we also have to spend near $1,400 more a year on the same items men purchase. Hmmm? YEAH. WTF!

So here is the deal, no matter what part of the political spectrum you fall under one thing this is for sure. Women are not a political tool! My birth control should be free, I am already paying triple for it in taxes. And the purpose of it is nobody's GOD DAMN BUSINESS! But if you must know, birth control is helping me keep my organs from cementing themselves together due to Endometriosis. It is also helping me keep from developing golf ball sized cyst on my ovaries. And yes, keeping me from getting pregnant. You know so I can finish my degree! I am married but under no obligation from my husband to have a child. So my government needs to take notes and stay out of my business. Every woman has her own story. NOW LET HER LIVE IT! NO UTERUS NO OPINION.
I mean, do you even Uterus bro?!
What are some of your thoughts? What are other reasons a women's reproductive organs, or the fact we are women, shouldn't be used as a political tool?
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