What the Fuck Infertility?
Ahhh, nothing like a happy ending right? Boy meets girl, girl falls in love with boy, they get married, and then along comes a baby! Wrong! So horrendously fucking WRONG... For most women with Endo infertility comes along with the bundle, its like the damn cable packages that come with house phones, who still wants those? Anyways it's there. I have been trying for 7 years to have a child with my husband.. And the only thing that I can seem to grow are ovarian cyst, another lovely part of the package that is endometriosis. Fertility medication, ovulation kits, timed intercourse, vitamins, test, blood work, analysis, so on and so forth. And... Nothing... As much as endometriosis sucks, infertility for those couples looking to grow their family, sucks even harder. As if the physical pain was not enough, Endometriosis and its ever so thrill of ruining lives throws in this emotional twisted kicker. "You can always adopt." Yeah don't you think I know that? If my goal was to adopt I wouldn't be bitching right now. That is not my goal at the moment. Yes I am open to it.. But I will say this.. Not every woman has to be open to it! Do not shame a woman going through infertility for not thinking about adoption yet! Or surrogacy for that matter! Women suffering with this disease are allowed to feel how they want to feel. And me? I am fucking pissed, upset, broken, and sad... I would love to hold our baby in my arms. But I really do not know if that will ever happen.. Negative test after negative test for 7 years... I read success stories and they do give me hope. But reality is this is my body and it doesn't do what others do so easily. So below, readers, you will find a few tips.. a few Don'ts I should say..
What not to say to a woman who is suffering from infertility due to Endometriosis or to any fucking woman for that matter...
- "When are you gong to have children?"
- "It's probably best you don't get pregnant with your condition."
- "If you just stop thinking about it, it will happen."
- "Leave it in God's hands."
- "Maybe you should just adopt."
- "Do you think you can handle pregnancy or giving birth if you can barely stand the pain from your illness?"
- "You need to hurry up and have kids, so our kids can play together."
- "Enjoy being able to sleep at night."
- Maybe God doesn't intend for you to be a mom."
- "Why don't you try IVF (IUI)?
- "You're young you have plenty of time."
- "Well at least you have one child already." - For those trying to conceive another child
- "Who's fault is it? Yours or his?"
- "If you lost some weight it might happen for you."
- "You're so lucky, kids are so expensive."
- "I know exactly how you are feeling."
- "Still no babies yet?"
- "HAHA you can have my children if you want!" -jokingly
- "Maybe it's just not your time."
- "You've had too many miscarriages, maybe it's your body telling you, you are done."
There you have it folks! In black and white. I mean you can't mess this up. If a infertile friend talks about infertility with you, just lend a listening ear. Most of the time we can only talk about this with our significant other and to be honest, those discussions become dry and disappointing, so we try talking to friends or family. And do not talk about your pregnancies with them. Unless they ask of course. We don't like hearing fertile Myrtle talk about how and when she found out she was pregnant.
So there you have it the fertility issue most women with Endometriosis suffer from. I mean... What the Fuck Infertility?⏱
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