Endometriosis - a condition resulting from the appearance of endometrial tissue outside the uterus and causing pelvic pain... I want to thank google for that very vague description of endometriosis. THANKS! Outside of the uterus, meaning what exactly? Well... That's a woman's ovaries, her bladder, her bowel, her uterus, her tubes, her lungs, and in severe cases even her brain. The blood from her uterine walls is believed to retrograde, or reverse back into her body instead of out her baby maker! Then every time she does have a period, its like bleeding internally. Ever bled internally? Then don't presume to know the kind of pain women with this disease feel. Also don't have a opinion on cures. THERE IS NO FUCKING CURE! "Why doesn't she just have a hysterectomy?" It's not a cure. No uterus, no opinion. Hell even if you have a uterus just shut up and listen. I am not here to drop numbers on you to say that 1 in 10 women around the world suffer with this illness yet it is not considered a disability although the disease can hinder a woman's ability to work and provide for herself yet alone a family. NO! I am here to be real with you. Endometriosis FUCKING HURTS! You see when we were young girls we thought growing up and getting tits, was the TITS! But in reality Those 1 in 10.. Were to suffer, every month. Not understanding their bodies, or coming to believe the pain was just part of being a woman. It's not...
Endo (abbreviation for Endometriosis- yea get used to it, don't expect me to spell it out for you) is ugly, its horrid, and it's scary. The pain we feel and the absolute helpless feelings we get are real. What you don't see is the flare up... HOLY FUCKING SHIT THE FLARE UPS!!!! When I flare up I hurt so bad in my lower abdomen I hunch over in a ball and cry. My skin on my stomach becomes hot, and i start shaking, followed by some aggressive ass teeth chattering. My heart rate sky rockets and on really bad occasions I pass out from the pain. This is not just during my period. I flare when I ovulate, when I brush my hair, when I wake up, when I piss in the mornings, when I go to work, when its a birthday, a holiday, a date night, a promotion, I HURT ALL THE FUCKING TIME. This pain is chronic and real. So is my blog. If you are curious stay tuned. If you have Endo, well you are not alone..... And if you are to have all the things you feel said out loud.. Then I guess stay tuned as well. ⏯
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